Edamame Dofu

Fridge cleaning made me do it. Edamame Dofu If you are the type of human being who heaps a clump of pickled ginger onto your sushi, this will taste like nothing to you, so don't even bother. If you are a being of taste, read on. Edamame dofu falls into the branch family of pseudo… Continue reading Edamame Dofu

Two sides of the moon

Saturday. I carried ninety-nine red roses down Bay Street. Sunday. I rested. Monday. I made music for none but this one. Tuesday. I made moon cakes to remember my froms. Wednesday. I painted with inks distilled from ninth month fields. Thursday. I shared a meal with a dearest friend, laughed, drank, and laughed some more.… Continue reading Two sides of the moon

To do with eggplant.

This recipe is for the Feed Feed, enjoy! Rice with Turmeric and Currants 1 c rice, rinsed until the water runs clear then drained (long or short grain are both fine) 1 c filtered water 1 tsp sea salt 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/2 tsp garam masala 3 bay leaves 2 tbsp dried currants 1 tsp… Continue reading To do with eggplant.

Does ice cream make kids smarter?

I enjoy reading The Economist during dinnertime, a source of convenient insight and quick information that I generally trust to have some level of class and be reasonably unbiased. In the rare cases where opinion is wheeled onto center stage on a trolley, it would be clearly labelled “THIS IS AN OPINION. NOT FACT”, so… Continue reading Does ice cream make kids smarter?

Equal and Distinct

It's been a while since I last posted, so forgive me if my words seem a little rusty. And no, I haven't forgotten the whole debate thing, but when I have a recipe that really excites me, I don't want any distraction - I just want to get it on the table.   As many… Continue reading Equal and Distinct

The Feed of Nations

I know I cannot do my angst justice, but I will try anyway. You see, I am not rational. Nobody is, if you think about it. Think about it. But we try to be, don’t we? We’ve taught ourselves and our children and the children of other children to believe that more is more, that… Continue reading The Feed of Nations