The Things We Do

Life isn't fair. Not least in ways we can ever comprehend. All are dealt a different hand. Some kings, some queens, some black club threes. So why, why do we measure a brother by the weight of his misfortunes? Plagued. A sister, by the depth of her wounds? Broken. Why, why do we fear, even… Continue reading The Things We Do

24 Carrot Gold

For some, music is the magic key to accessing a particular past experience, a buried memory. For others, it's perhaps a chanced blend of particles in the air whiffed up through the nostrils that triggers waves of nostalgia to come lapping lazily the back of the mind. For me, it's food. Don't ask me if… Continue reading 24 Carrot Gold

The Old Faithful

I like old things the unevenness of lines etched by time beneath my fingertips as I graze them gently across faded facades of wood disguising rings upon rings of drought and first rain. Slow Roasted Pork Belly Those who have spotted me in the wild of my kitchen will know that I don't like smelling… Continue reading The Old Faithful

Edamame Dofu

Fridge cleaning made me do it. Edamame Dofu If you are the type of human being who heaps a clump of pickled ginger onto your sushi, this will taste like nothing to you, so don't even bother. If you are a being of taste, read on. Edamame dofu falls into the branch family of pseudo… Continue reading Edamame Dofu

Two sides of the moon

Saturday. I carried ninety-nine red roses down Bay Street. Sunday. I rested. Monday. I made music for none but this one. Tuesday. I made moon cakes to remember my froms. Wednesday. I painted with inks distilled from ninth month fields. Thursday. I shared a meal with a dearest friend, laughed, drank, and laughed some more.… Continue reading Two sides of the moon

Seaspiracy – a broad stroke

Last night I watched Seaspiracy, a Netflix documentary I was a few months late to jump on, as I munched on dinner - a plate of stir fried Manila clams, dressed nostalgically in the green, red, and white of Thai basil, fresh chilies, and Ontario summer garlic. Before aggressively thumbing the "OK" on my remote,… Continue reading Seaspiracy – a broad stroke