Edamame Dofu

Fridge cleaning made me do it. Edamame Dofu If you are the type of human being who heaps a clump of pickled ginger onto your sushi, this will taste like nothing to you, so don't even bother. If you are a being of taste, read on. Edamame dofu falls into the branch family of pseudo… Continue reading Edamame Dofu

Still, we need to calm down

This marks day 9 of working from home. From what I can see via my little window (ah, bless computers), the Western world has trudged, albeit sluggishly and begrudgingly, from a state of denial to making acceptance's acquaintance. Early Morning. Wednesday, March 25 2020 I sent my adopted aunt, M, a message on LINE, a… Continue reading Still, we need to calm down

my first characters

In the western world, most people probably started off learning the alphabet with 'A' or 'a' for apple. Should the preliminary curriculum all of a sudden change course by 180 degrees and start with 'Z', parents might storm down the schools and government. Consider you lucky, you people who only have to deal with 26… Continue reading my first characters

Con Fusion

Yes it's January and the skies are a depressing blue hue, but hey, there's still plenty of reason to celebrate. This past weekend I was told by a wise man that the concept of time-management is an oxymoron in itself, and therefore should not be a destination towards which we strive. Yeah, right, right? Right (trust me,… Continue reading Con Fusion

Tierce de Picanterie

Recently I've been noticing the simmering of a modern phenomenon, one that bubbles up against convention, and one that, truthfully spoken, makes me quite simultaneously pleased and bereaved. This new truth of the era cries out "good cooks are not the pudgy ones you'd imagine". Yes, sure, with the dawn of refined sugar and mass… Continue reading Tierce de Picanterie

So Cali

I'm no lobster girl. Should I offend, I apologize. I find prawns to have sweeter flavour, it's almost as if all the umami of a lobster were condensed into the size of a shrimp. They're less vicious, because if one's going to splurge on seafood, might as well get it live, right? Choosing prawns over… Continue reading So Cali