24 Carrot Gold

For some, music is the magic key to accessing a particular past experience, a buried memory. For others, it's perhaps a chanced blend of particles in the air whiffed up through the nostrils that triggers waves of nostalgia to come lapping lazily the back of the mind. For me, it's food. Don't ask me if… Continue reading 24 Carrot Gold

Everyone’s in, everything’s out

First it was face masks, then it was TP, then it was hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, and now it's flour and salt. I went out today on my usual half hour morning walk (my walk to work takes that same amount of time, but now I just walk the perimeter of a nearby neighbourhood). It's… Continue reading Everyone’s in, everything’s out

A Tea Cake of Favourite Things

At a mere 50 days in, 2020 has woken, kicking and screaming and setting all hell loose with the Australian wildfires, Hong Kong protests, and Wuhan coronavirus which make our little dark-room grown carrot president down in the States the least of our worries. For whatever reason, it is in these dark months that I… Continue reading A Tea Cake of Favourite Things

The Feed of Nations

I know I cannot do my angst justice, but I will try anyway. You see, I am not rational. Nobody is, if you think about it. Think about it. But we try to be, don’t we? We’ve taught ourselves and our children and the children of other children to believe that more is more, that… Continue reading The Feed of Nations

A Venti Pumpkin Spice Lamentation

Yeasted Pumpkin Spice Coffee Cake

Just as Coca Cola was vastly successful in inventing and selling the modern-day Santa Claus with his post-industrialization coal-burning factory destroying the ozone layer in the north pole and fleet of underpaid (if at all paid) proletarielves, so the emerald double-tailed Ariel was able to bewitch North America with the PSL spell. Pumpkin Spice Latte - the… Continue reading A Venti Pumpkin Spice Lamentation

Ground Rules

Yesterday morning as I reached into my bag of cherries, my index fingertip was greeted by a dreadful, wet, squishiness that could only mean one thing: cherry season was over. In a desperate attempt to salvage the remaining cherries from those plagued with sickly brown craters, I quickly separated the good from the bad and… Continue reading Ground Rules