Edamame Dofu

Fridge cleaning made me do it. Edamame Dofu If you are the type of human being who heaps a clump of pickled ginger onto your sushi, this will taste like nothing to you, so don't even bother. If you are a being of taste, read on. Edamame dofu falls into the branch family of pseudo… Continue reading Edamame Dofu

Two sides of the moon

Saturday. I carried ninety-nine red roses down Bay Street. Sunday. I rested. Monday. I made music for none but this one. Tuesday. I made moon cakes to remember my froms. Wednesday. I painted with inks distilled from ninth month fields. Thursday. I shared a meal with a dearest friend, laughed, drank, and laughed some more.… Continue reading Two sides of the moon

Hot Pink Cold Pizza

I'm heading to the gym, so no time to chat and lecture you on the dire state of the world. But eating a plant-based diet 80% of the time helps. Here's a recipe that might makes it pretty fun. Did you know that the colour pink lowers aggression in those who see it? Be kind.… Continue reading Hot Pink Cold Pizza

the great divide

HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US Those were the words etched into the pristine white wall of the Museum of Moving Image, in sans serif bold. Meanwhile, 226.2 miles south congregated in front of the White House is the Women's March on Washington. Perhaps it is because I have been hardened by the Canadian cold, or… Continue reading the great divide

That’s raddish

In light of some confusion over my previous post, which began with a fictional short story based on the ongoing childhood of yours truly, I'd just like to make one comment: I am not thirty-two years old. Actually, I have over a decade more to go before I become that. So, now that we've cleared… Continue reading That’s raddish

a bunch of fools

We like to be taken seriously. Really, we do. We think we are all that because we have this thing called "brain". But we really are, at the very best, just really, really bizarre. One scene in Over the Hedge sums up the gist of matters. And sure, we now know that the Canadian food… Continue reading a bunch of fools