24 Carrot Gold

For some, music is the magic key to accessing a particular past experience, a buried memory. For others, it's perhaps a chanced blend of particles in the air whiffed up through the nostrils that triggers waves of nostalgia to come lapping lazily the back of the mind. For me, it's food. Don't ask me if… Continue reading 24 Carrot Gold

Two sides of the moon

Saturday. I carried ninety-nine red roses down Bay Street. Sunday. I rested. Monday. I made music for none but this one. Tuesday. I made moon cakes to remember my froms. Wednesday. I painted with inks distilled from ninth month fields. Thursday. I shared a meal with a dearest friend, laughed, drank, and laughed some more.… Continue reading Two sides of the moon

12 Cookies of Christmas

Barely two weeks into 2021, and I want to crawl back into the comparative comfort of 2020. Here I am, writing this introduction to this first post of the year at 8:41pm Pacific time, with a loaf of zucchini bread that keeps asking for another 15 minutes in the oven, and Debussy's Estampes trickling from… Continue reading 12 Cookies of Christmas

The irony of eel and cabbage

Sakura Ebi Okonomiyaki with Unagi and Truffle Aioli

At that age, I couldn't fully grasp the realities that strapped my mother. Parents shield their children from so much, don't they? But with what limited understanding I could wring from my observations, even this was obvious: in the months where the days were short and when the air breathed ice onto lawns, she had… Continue reading The irony of eel and cabbage

Everyone’s in, everything’s out

First it was face masks, then it was TP, then it was hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, and now it's flour and salt. I went out today on my usual half hour morning walk (my walk to work takes that same amount of time, but now I just walk the perimeter of a nearby neighbourhood). It's… Continue reading Everyone’s in, everything’s out

Happy Rat Year

A few years ago there was an elaborately fruitless deliberation between Koreans and Taiwanese people about who started the whole Lunar New Year thing. The whole debacle subsided as soon as the subject of their contention dawned, and the bickering gave way to two weeks of delirious feasting, after which everyone sort of just waddled… Continue reading Happy Rat Year