The Things We Do

Life isn't fair. Not least in ways we can ever comprehend. All are dealt a different hand. Some kings, some queens, some black club threes. So why, why do we measure a brother by the weight of his misfortunes? Plagued. A sister, by the depth of her wounds? Broken. Why, why do we fear, even… Continue reading The Things We Do

A fable for fall

Once upon a fall, a crow perched itself on the shoulder of a ginkgo tree. Its crown thinned as one by one its golden leaves fluttered free from their branch. Some found rest in the freshly frostbitten grasses below, others followed the wind to where even the crow could not see. "Foolish! Foolish! How utterly… Continue reading A fable for fall

ad hog

The other day I was reading this article which short as it was, did have some good points. It doesn't give you any tacky advice on how to give your resume a shiny pop or the wittiest interview answer. Instead, it emphasizes some of the more useful stuff. For example, how to be a better human… Continue reading ad hog

Lied der Mignon

After snoozing my trusty bedside clock for three consecutive times this morning, I said thank you to Jesus for a perfect Sunday past and a revitalizing stretch of sleep. It was a quiet Monday morning where the gentle purr of the furnace was as clear to my ears as the heaving exhales of some slumbering… Continue reading Lied der Mignon

bless you, industrialization

Closely linked to and much like democracy, industrialization is also a protégé of Western politics. While I would probably say that democracy granted to developing countries is probably as bad as giving chocolate to a dog, it would be unfitting to say the same of industrialization. (Yes, hate to break it to you about democracy,… Continue reading bless you, industrialization

my first characters

In the western world, most people probably started off learning the alphabet with 'A' or 'a' for apple. Should the preliminary curriculum all of a sudden change course by 180 degrees and start with 'Z', parents might storm down the schools and government. Consider you lucky, you people who only have to deal with 26… Continue reading my first characters