the great divide

HE WILL NOT DIVIDE US Those were the words etched into the pristine white wall of the Museum of Moving Image, in sans serif bold. Meanwhile, 226.2 miles south congregated in front of the White House is the Women's March on Washington. Perhaps it is because I have been hardened by the Canadian cold, or… Continue reading the great divide

nothing ordinary from ordinary

Life always does that. It sneaks up on you. You can make as many resolutions as you want. You can build up walls to keep things out. You can send your heart and effort in hopes of bringing in the finest of life's treasures. But life is clever. It is brilliant, but it is clever.… Continue reading nothing ordinary from ordinary


Have you ever felt like that poor goldfish featured in that horrible children's asthma ad - out of the water? I'm not about to go about some crazy rampage to tear to the ground whoever thought that it was fair to torture that goldfish. I assume that simple-minded thing didn't even get paid for his… Continue reading Paradis